Extra Curricular Activities

ECA (Extracurricular activities) are optional activities that are executed outside the regular curriculum and are essential for the all-round development of students

  • Marching band
  • Work education
  • Community service – smokeless bhogi, no to crackers rally
  • NCC- National Cadet Corps
  • Bharath Scout and Guides
  • Talent hunts- debates/ competitions/spell bees/ public speaking/story writing etc.,
  • Cultural activities
  • Sports coaching: Cricket/ football/ Silambam/ Archery


Athena has established an active NCC company under the Army wing, Troop No.337; are currently 110 students participating and training. Apart from imparting discipline and exercise, which is a benefit of joining the NCC, other benefits help the cadets with their higher education.

IYAP/ Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a global framework for non-formal education. It challenges young people aged 14-24 to dream big, celebrate their achievements and make a difference in their world. Since its launch in 1956, it has inspired millions of young people to transform their lives. Participants design their Award programme, set their goals, and record their progress. Our school is a licensed centre offering this program; so far, 156 students have actively participated and been awarded medals and certificates since 2017.


Our students here in Athena are split between four houses: Crystal, Nano, Nucleus and Plasma. These houses contain students right from LKG to Grade XII, throughout the year they participate in various events, games and competitions both inside and outside the classroom for which they are awarded points. Different coloured sports T-shirts are given to the students in the playground, and the matches are held between the houses. This gives a competitive spirit to achieve more. The house with the most points wins the House Cup at the end of the academic year. This encourages the students to participate in the activities and develops their skills.

Work Education

Our school’s work education program exposes students to social and economic activities inside and outside the classroom. It helps them understand and build skills related to work education, which will help them uplift themselves and be independent.

few work education programs

  • Pottery
  • Musical instruments- Keyboard/ guitar/ Marching band/ Drums
  • Maintenance of electrical gadgets
  • Plumping
  • Computer repair and maintenance
  • Typewriting
  • first Aid
  • Craft
  • Art and Painting
  • Public speaking
  • Best of waste
  • Home skills: Gift wrapping/sewing/making bed/fruit cutting/ House cleaning/ Ironing dress
  • Chess
  • Vocal/ Recitation

few of these programs are offered as one-year and three-year certification programs leading to the award of course completion certificate

School Marching band

Call of the BUGLE & DRUM
Athena Global has an exceptionally well-trained Brass band.
Training for the band group is provided by a professional trainer, a music teacher with over 15 years of experience. 
The instruments and the paraphernalia related to the band, like

  • Bass Drums
  • Tanner Drums
  • Side Drums
  • Bugle Copper (Standard Specification)
  • Hand Cymbal Trumpet
  • Clarinet
  • Bass Circle
  • Cymbal
  • Trombone
  • Saxophone
  • Trumpet
  • Snare drum
  • Tuba
  • Euphonium

are made available for practice under the supervision of the bandmaster.
A select group of children from classes VI to IX constitutes the school band. They have been well trained for “In Threes Marching”, a quick drill march, besides being trained in “Circle Marching”, “Bugler & Drummer Group Marching”, “Group Cover Marching”, “Figure Eight Marching”, “Square Marching”, etc.
The School Band displays its prowess on essential occasions like Independence Day, Republic Day and Founders Day.
The marching contingent has won many laurels on such occasions. The band will be launched soon for Inter School counter-school displays during Independence Day and Republic Day celebrations.

Talent Hunt Competition

Athena Global School gives ample opportunities to students to come out of the shade and show their best. To bring out the talents and uniqueness of Grade KG to Grade IX. “The TALENT HUNT” competition is being organised at our school in the first week of January, and the competition will be conducted in phases over several days. Winners will get merit certificates, and participation certificates will be issued to others.

SI.No Name of the Contest Participating Grade
1 English Handwriting I-III
2 Extempore – Tamil, English, Hindi VI- IX
3 English Versification VIII-IX
4 Drawing I-X
5 Painting VI-IX
6 Singing Competition – English, Tamil, and English III-IX
7 Fancy dress KG
8 Magic VI-IX
9 Mimic VI_IX
10 Play a music instrument IV-IX
11 Recite I-V
12 Juggle a ball V-IX
12 Juggle a ball V-IX
13 Building something with building clock KG
14 Mind Reading V-IX
15 Singing national anthem V-IX
16 Drawing blindfold V-VIII
17 Perform a dual play IV-IX
18 Build a house of cards V-VIII
19 Face paint I-V
20 Origami IV-VIII
21 Puppet show IV-VII
22 Hair styling KG Girl students
23 Roleplay I-V

After School sports training

After school sport training activities are imparted by in school instructors as well specialists drawn from outside. After-school hours of Sports Coaching at the school ground are offered for students of classes VI-XII at present at nominal fee.

The schedule of the evening coaching is as follows:

  • Sports offered: Cricket, Volleyball, Badminton, Archery, Silambam
  • Coaching Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday – Cricket / Archery/ Silambam
  • Coaching Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday – Volleyball/ Badminton

Transport arrangements are in place to drop back students in town after the training.